Let me tell you about the Quantum Holistic Lifestyle and how everything is connected
Transformation in action
Being a parent is a blessing. Seeing your children master their world is priceless.
The Lake of Change
If you don’t take the plunge, nothing will happen
How to create true value
Power lies in a community of likeminded people
How to build an online business and thrive in a time of uncertainty
What can you do to secure your future and gain clarity in these...
Corona Virus + Social Media = Danger
These days we are all involved in the latest global "trend", the...
How our generation failed at parenting
Have you thought about your childhood and how it shaped you? I've...
The Power of WHY and The Law of Diffusion of Innovation
Find your WHY and your dream will be more than a distant an unachievable goal.
Diary – 12.02.2020
What really happened yesterday? I woke up at the usual time, 5 am. I...