What can you do to secure your future and gain clarity in these times?
The Novel Coronavirus, COVID-19, CV19.. A big event has many names, but the effects is still the same. People are hurting on a global scale. They are panicking and are scared for their loved ones and their future. Still, financial freedom and success is possible.
Businesses have gone under and a lot of people had to find new ways to make a living. Brick and mortar locations have to shut down, because they’re not getting any customers through the door.
Times are tough, no doubt. But there is a HUGE silver lining to all of this. There is one kind of business that is thriving like never before. The Online Business.
If you haven’t considered creating an online business before, maybe now is the time to do just that? If you’re hesitant because of things like
“I don’t know how…”
“I can’t, because so many others are doing it.”
“It would never work for me.”
“I don’t have anything to offer.”
-then snap out of it. It’s simply not the reality. People are selling anything online. You shouldn’t let your perspective of what you think is possible keep you from doing what actually is possible. You can learn how to build an online business and thrive in your life! On your terms!
Start your journey of self-learning
If you need some resources to do this, I’d advise you to read some books that will help massively on your journey. Check out the list of books I’d recommend here. The list will keep growing. You should start with Atomic Habits, followed by ASK and CHOOSE. They will change your life if you want it.
My business has seen a huge shift in all of this. Suddenly, businesses from all over the world had to pivot and find some way to stay above water. I help them with that. I build the systems they need, I teach them exactly what they need to know according to what their goal is and we work together to achieve that goal. They gain security and clarity in these times, where nothing can be taken for granted.
Physical Distancing
We might be forced into “Social Distancing”, but that term is already outdated. SOCIAL is not the same as PHYSICAL. You can still communicate and see your loved one’s, but you’re “Physically Distanced”.
By using the technology we have today to its full potential, you can create whatever you want. You might not have a business right now, but we can go through some very specific processes to find your thing and you can start one! That doesn’t mean you have to stick to it forever! But it’s a start, so that you get the ball rolling.
My mission right now is to teach as many people as I can to use the tools we have, so that they can be free in a way they never thought possible. No more boss to tell you what to do, no more you HAVE to work from x to z. Complete time and financial freedom. Think about that.
I also teach people how to become calm and relaxed in these times, by showing them how our brain works. By knowing how to play your brain, you’ll become a force to be reckoned with!
What I can teach you
You might be asking “How does this work?”. Let me give you a short list. Don’t be intimidated, this will all be explained and made “hands off”, so that you really don’t have to worry once it’s done.
I will show you
- How to find your passion and how you can monetize it
- How to make a website.
- How to send traffic to the website, using social platforms like Facebook and Instagram.
- How to analyze audiences and find the people you need to serve.
- How to build a funnel that will get new people to you automatically, even when you sleep.
- How to reach them and interact with them in a way that they will feel like they need you.
- How to write good copy for your audience.
- How to set up an email autoresponder and how to build it automatically.
- How to earn money by using the email list.
- How to connect to others in your field and expand your reach.
- How to use Search Enginge Optimization to lead people to you.
- In short; How to build an online business and thrive
YOUR time is right now. You can learn how to build an online business and thrive! What else are you going to do? Wait it out infront of the TV watching Netflix all day, so that maybe you’ll get to go back to a job you hate? Why not take things to the next level and make way more money than you thought was possible doing what you absolutely love?
Join likeminded people, just like you
Join our community. Join our Facebook group and like the page. If you already see that this is your time, then send me an email and we’ll have a talk to see if we can work together. YOU are needed in this new world of ours. Don’t let that chance slip through your fingers.
Best Regards,
Tor Erik