Committing Societal Ego Death

I’ve committed societal ego-death, and I feel amazing. In this article, I want to show you what could happen when you accept who you truly are, not caring about what others have to say or think about it. Some Backstory In 2007, I sat fire to a mall while being...

Give me COVID-19 in the Name of Freedom

It has gone on for too long. Enough with the fearmongering, lies, propaganda, and confusion. We share this earth together, yet we’ve been locked in a fight for freedom since the dawn of mankind. Is it Time to Awaken? It’s 03.08.2021, a date that changed my...

This was already said in April 2020: Wake Up!

Times have moved fast, and even more so in the past 2 years than any other time in history. Today, these things are more important than ever, because we truly have the power to shape our reality if we want it enough. Social Media: The GameChanger On February 4, 2004,...

Question: Do you believe in any gods?

This was a question I saw pop up on Facebook. As I responded to it, it dawned on me that I never really shared my thoughts on such a question, so I figured I’d write a quick journal entry on it. Here we go “I believe we’re all just compositions of...

How To Find Your Purpose While Stepping Back

Your Purpose Might Be Clouded In this article, I want to share some thoughts regarding how to find your purpose (by stepping back) and being spiritually aligned, how they are connected, and when you might know when you are – and when you are not – on the...

How To Shift Your Paradigm In As Little As 20 Minutes

Quantum Meditation: How It Works, And How You Can Change Your Reality With It In this article, I will delve a little into the immense power of Quantum Meditation, some of the science, and what you can do with this natural ability. You have access to it right now, even...

From “Fuck… My Life” to “FUCK! My LIFE!”

My business is called The FML Project. Fuck My Life. There’s a good reason for that. When I was 18, I woke up one day with a left arm that was 11cm larger in diameter than my right. That puts one heck of a shock into your life. I was diagnosed with an...

How Psychedelics Provided The Dream Life

What is special about what I do? When I first got into online business and the pursuit of something “more”, I had NO idea what I was going to do. And I had absolutely no idea that I would find psychedelics in the fashion that I did, and how that ultimately...

How To Overcome Overwhelm

Starting a Journey  I wanted to write something about my own way of doing this, for those who want to know how to overcome overwhelm on their own path to freedom. Working hard to achieve something that you’ve never experienced before is hard because it’s...

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